I did make it walking or striding forward a bit too.
I did have some issues though...
I did decide to double pin the Knee joints, and single pin the Ankles. I did not glue them at first so that I could work out the Hip angles. No big issue here . The Issue I had was when I was taking a look at the pistons for the hips , and discovered the angle on one hip was a bit too narrow to fit 2 of the 5 pistons in with out major modification... POO DU...
I stayed up filing away and had to make a tough decision to cut a lot off a piston just to get it to fit. It will be ok once I paint it , since it will be dark and there will be a bit of armor around that area... So much for test fitting....
The Knee joint pistons were no big deal but I had to get he leg angles finished before stating the mock up. The good old Sharpie was a good thing to have around yet again, and there were no dramas, but I did make sure to mark on the back side of each completed Pistion group which side it went on.
And just for the scale of things yet again. Yes that is a Space marine with out any Photo shopping or scaling...
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