As you can see this is the stuff Jason was talking about : 2 or 3 Primed Land Raiders waiting for FW Helios turrets, a New GW drop pod or 2 , a FW Dread drop pod.

Here are 3 GW Super heavy s MIP including 2 shadow swords and a extra Baneblade sponsen sprew.

Here is a mess of FW kits, Crashed Valk, 4 Remoras, a Tigershark AX-0-11, random SM Tank upgrades, I think a few IG tank turrets.....
DO you all think I have a problem? This is just the stuff sitting next to my work table, I have like a whole storage closet of IG stuff and Tau stuff, and basicly a EMP City still sitting in boxes in the basement... Emp. Fist tank co. anyone? Want to lend a Hand? I need about another 24 h in a day just to make a dent.

Here is some Little bull progress, These are all primed paarts for the legs. Mostly the toes, toe pistons, and shins, and shin pistons....

Here is the legs main asemboly in paint. Boltgun metal for the base. Brasen brass base coat ( I don't even know if they still make it any more) and Burnished Gold drybrushing over the top. The Armor pices may get air brushed tommorow, so that I can get the toes and shins on him. All the major upper parts have been primed , and the weapon assembolys are all sanded down and in the cleaner bath. So progress is being made. I may leave the interior "empty" just to get him playable if time runs out before the big waagh! in July. But since every thing else has been pushed aside or put in storage till he gets finished , I'm makeing decent progress.
More to come this week!