Big Waagh UPDATE:
Game Headz will most likely be selling Armour Cast product. There is some question of how much and if we'll be able o honor the AC coupons. We'll let ya know as we find out. In the meantime, let us know what you would like from these guys at http://www.armorcast.com/.
The damn hotel at the event next to the expo center in Memphis is booked solid fro the weekend of the Big Waaagh. If you need help, I'd suggest checking with the event website (http://thebigwaaagh.com/index.php) and see if there is anything else or search the Nets yourself. Good luck.
A tid bit of info on the internets at the event, there probably will not be any. What impact does this have on you, well the vendors will not be able to access online credit card processes. We are trying to work around this challenge. The AT&T signal is horrid for phones let alone data services. Unless someone wants to help pay for the $500 charge that they charge the event for wifi, I'd bring cash! This really sucks as 40k radio was going to broadcast live but that looks unlikely now.
New GW uh, things:
Price changes, yeah, they are coming in June. The the changes are from 10% to 18% which means LR's are $57 now. The items that are effected are the items that seem to be in high demand, those with metal and plastic parts, rare figs to make it worth their while to stock. Note that not all models will go up like the Hellhound ($45) but Leman Russ will ($41.25).
We are still trying to find out why these changes are but it's not hard to imagine the cost of said items going up.
Ironclad Dred= $41.25 July 4th.
New Leman Russ and Hellhound variants out MOST LIKELY late summer/ August. No word on ordinance thingys. This is a best guess so don't go spastic if this doesn't happen three months from now.
Scrambling around to get inventory in check for Big Waaagh and new stuff.
Getting our act together for above said event. Two of us are working on the smaller titan (lil Bull). Going to do some burn'n of the midnight oil this month and next to get it all finished.
Looking for a new location in Birmingham.
Making terrain for Epic 40k Airport bash in August.
Pulling hair out.
BTW, look for another EPIC FAILURE in another Ebay PRO-PAINTED item(s) for bid soon. This next one is gonna be a riot.