Er' we go. It's going to be a big project. and take a while to finish. I've already base coated 60 of them. More pictures to follow.

Some of the Metals I've got.

22 Cadian troop sprews

Command Squads and Sentinels... I think 7 Cmd, 3 new Sents....

Here is every thing all parted out.......

This is a good way to to Die.... I was well ventilated in the garage but 22 sprews and a full can of primer...My wife found me passed out on the couch. The fumes got pulled up stairs by the AC...
Not fun....

I think 18 heavy weapon teams.

Troops primed ....

The first 10 ready to be airbrushed.
I Finished the first ten tonight minus the heads , I'm thinking about ordering Pig Iron heads for the whole army.
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