I guess the moral of that picture is not to try talking to someone when Kage is trying to take a picture of you.
I figure for my first post I better give y'all a little history about my self.
I originally started 40k with Tyranids. However due to the lack of a codex I decided to start Space Marines. I then expanded into Eldar, Guard, Chaos, and basically every army but orks and Dark Eldar. After a while I decided that I couldn't afford the "Cold War" going on in my house and sold everything but the Imperial armies.
As Kage said I like scratch building a bit, and end up with some crazy projects.
Kage showed off my custom Medusa cannons. The barrel was turned on a lathe, and there is rifling down the barrel. The breach was built out of plasticard, and other things.

After scratch building this I cast them in resin.

Of course that was my smallest project.
Probably the largest I've done was a warlord. I built this warlord based upon the images from the "Titan" graphic novel. In the comic series the titan was very large (what most would consider out of scale). The titan is 5 feet 1/4 tall

The back of the legs open up to carry 6 chimeras each, the body opens up to hold over 75 guardsmen. There are almost 100 LEDs, and 12 sound effects.
Lately however I'm planning on using it as a Imperator due to GW decreasing the size of titans while increasing the size of other models.
My latest project has been 4 pose able Warhound titans (no they're not for sale)

I've also been working on and off on updating the old Epic Stormahmmer to 40k.

Well that's it for the history lesson. I'll try to update y'all on my progress on the Warhounds and other projects.
I've got my personal blog showing off my progress on my commissions and other items, just go here.
If you're looking for more pictures of my 40k stuff, just go here.
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